Zero tolerance statement

responsAbility Investments AG has zero tolerance for prohibited practices, including but not limited to corruption, fraud, coercion, collusion, obstructive practice, abuse, money laundering, retaliation against whistleblower, terrorism financing and any form of inappropriate, and unethical behaviour. The principles apply to all staff members, third party suppliers, and counterparts collaborating with responsAbility. Employees and representatives of responsAbility are under permanent obligation to practice honesty and integrity when fulfilling their responsibilities to comply with applicable policies, laws and regulations. responsAbility put in place a Code of Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) that specifies forms of practices, conduct and activities which are prohibited. The Code obliges all employees and persons acting on behalf of responsAbility to uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. responsAbility encourages reporting of suspected or actual instances of wrongdoing, misconduct or unethical behaviour through a Complaints & independent Redress Mechanism and Whistleblowing program. All reports are taken seriously and convening dialogues or investigations are conducted in a manner that is timely, fair, and independent.